sunnuntaina, toukokuuta 13, 2007

Lisää tiivistämisen taidosta

Pikkupojankin suureksi yllätykseksi MTV3 uutisoi Hamasin iloiset Lastentunnit. Päinvastoin kuin moni luuli, videolla esiintyvä Farfur ei ole Mikki Hiiri-klooni vaan se vain sattuu sitä etäisesti muistuttamaan.
Palestiinalaisten äärijärjestön Hamasin tuottamassa lastenohjelmassa etäisesti Mikki Hiirtä muistuttava hahmo julistaa muslimien vapautuvien valloittajien ja juutalaisten sorrosta veren vuodatuksella.
MTV3 jopa päätti julkistaa kohua herättäneen videon nettisivuillaan, jotta kaikki voisivat itsekin tarkistaa asian. Luonnollisesti alkuperäinen [sama kuin aiemmin linkitetty YouTube-versio] 3:27 pitkä videoleike oli aivan liian pitkä ja vaati Puolueen asiantuntevaa tiivistämistä. Pikkupoika on nyt saanut käsiinsä vaikean tiivistämistyön tehneen sensorin tiivistäjän alkuperäisen videon transkriptiin tekemät sensurointitiivistysmerkinnät.
[Palestinian Media Watch -]

[Mickey Mouse clone teaches Palestinian children hatred and Islamic supremacy
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Apr. 2007]

[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Apr. 16, 2007]

Farfur: We are setting with you the cornerstone for world leadership under Islamic leadership.

Saraa’: We remind you that we, the great ones, started this program to lead this world. The nucleus, with the will of Allah, will be from here, from Palestine.

Farfur: From Palestine, oh Saraa’, what do you mean? From Gaza, Jerusalem, Ramallah, or from all of Palestine?

Saraa': Yes, from all of Palestine.

Saraa': Many say that we had glory [in the past], and we had culture, and the Muslims had greatness and respect.

Farfur: We, tomorrow’s pioneers, will restore to this nation its glory, We will liberate Al-Aqsa, with Allah’s will, and we will liberate Iraq, with Allah’s will, and we will liberate the Muslim countries, invaded by murderers.

Saraa’: Yes, they are children [in Palestine] occupied by the Jews, but with the will of Allah, we will resist and protect against the Zionist occupation.

Farfur: Until we win, with the will of Allah, we will resist until we win.

[Al Aqsa TV (Hamas), Apr. 23, 2007]

[Esraa, 12 year old on the phone]

Esraa: We will surrender ourselves.

Farfur: No!

Saraa': Esraa', it's not a good song. Why?

Esraa': Because it has surrender.

Saraa': We don’t surrender, we want to resist against the enemy.

Farfur: Allah willing, this country, its children, its men, its women and its elderly – will win! We will win, Bush! We will win, Sharon! Ah, Sharon is dead. We will win, Mofaz. Mofaz left. We will win, Olmert! We will win! We will win, Condoleeza!

Saraa': I remind you that Al-Aqsa and the prisoners are a trust on our shoulders, and Allah will ask us on Resurrection Day what have we offered for their sake.

[Al Aqsa TV (Hamas), Apr. 30, 2007]

[Harwa, 11 year old on the phone]

Harwa: The people firmly stand,
singing this to you
Rafah sings "oh, oh"
Its answer is an AK-47
We who do not know fear
We are the predators
of the forest.

[Muhammad, 12 year old on the phone]

Muhammad:Oh Jerusalem,
we are coming
Oh Jerusalem,
it is the time of death
Oh Jerusalem, we will never
surrender to the enemy,
and will never
be humiliated
It is beloved Palestine
that taught us what to be
And taught us to be
the soldiers of the Lord
We will destroy the chair
of the despots

It is the time of death,
we will fight a war.

[Palestinian Media Watch -]
Kauan eläköön Puolueen objektiivinen tiedonvälitys!

1 kommentti:

  1. Nättejä lauluja nuo orientin poijjaat ja tyttöset ainakin osaa rustata, kuten kulttuurikansojen kuuluukin.

    Otetaanpa näin euroviisu-jetlagin hengessä vielä Turkin näyte:


    As long as the vulgar Greek exists in this world
    By Allah, my hatred won't leave me
    As long as I see him there like a dog
    By Allah, this hatred won't leave me
    A thousand heads of infidel Giaours cannot wash away this hatred.

    My only aim is revenge
    When my turn comes to go to battle
    In one day I'll butcher a thousand Giaours
    By Allah, this hatred won't leave me
    A thousand heads of Giaours cannot wash away this hatred.

    Even if I crush thirty thousand of their heads with a stone
    Even if I wrench out the teeth of ten thousand
    And throw a hundred thousand of their corpses into the river
    By Allah, this hatred won't leave me

    A thousand heads of Giaours cannot wash away this hatred.
    The whole world knows how superior the Turk is
    Who crashed the Greek's fucked world over his head
    Even if I burn in stokeholes the heads of five thousand of them
    By Allah, this hatred won't leave me

    A thousand heads of Giaours cannot wash away this hatred
    Even if I slash forty thousand of them with my bayonet
    And send eighty thousand of them to the devil
    And hang a hundred thousand of them
    By Allah, this hatred won't leave me

    A thousand heads of Giaours cannot wash away this hatred.


Valitse itsellesi jokin nimimerkki, jotta keskustelujen seuraamisesta tulisi helpompaa. "Nimetön" ei ole nimi!