torstaina, elokuuta 31, 2006

Näin sivilisaatio kuolee

Melanie Phillips kirjoittaa:
But the big answer is that the western media transmit the lies of Hezbollah because they want to believe them. And that’s because the Big Lie these media tell — and have themselves been told — about Israel and its place in history and in the world today has achieved the status of unchallengeable truth. The plain fact is that western journalists were sent to cover the war being waged against Israel from Lebanon as a war being waged by Israel against Lebanon. And that’s because that’s how editors think of the Middle East: that the whole ghastly mess is driven by Israel’s actions, and that therefore it is only Israel’s aggression which is the story to be covered. Thus history is inverted, half a century of Jewish victimisation is erased from public consciousness, victims are turned into aggressors and genocidal mass murderers turned into victims, and ignorance and prejudice stalk England’s once staunch and stalwart land.
It ain't any better here! Johtopäätökset:
Certain conclusions are now inescapable. First, hatred of Israel and the irrationality associated with that hatred have now reached unprecedented proportions within Britain and the west. Second, with a few honourable exceptions the mainstream media are no longer to be believed in anything they transmit, either in words or pictures, about the Middle East. It is only the blogosphere which is now performing the most elementary disciplines of journalism: to aspire to objectivity, to separate facts from prejudices, to apply basic checks to claims being made by partisans to a conflict, and to be particularly wary of those with a proven track record of lying. Third, the mainstream media must now be regarded as active accessories to the war being waged against the free world and therefore as a fifth column in that world – an enemy within. Fourth, the impact of the lies and distortions transmitted by the mainstream media in inflaming the already pathological hatred of the west within the Arab and Muslim world is incalculable. Fifth, the mainstream media’s vilification, demonisation and delegitimisation of Israel, based on outright fabrications and malevolent distortions, is imperilling the very existence of the country that is the front line of defence of the free world. Sixth, that vilification is also imperilling the safety and well-being of Jewish communities around the world, subject now to the double victimisation of attack by Islamists and attack by non-Muslims for belonging to a Jewish people that refuses to submit passively to a second attempt at genocidal slaughter and instead fights to defend itself.
Lukekaa koko erinomainen kirjoitus!

3 kommenttia:

  1. Anonyymi7/9/06 20:33

    Ei taaskaan liity varsinaiseen aiheeseen. Tuli vaan mieleen, että onkos olemassa vasemmistolaisia ilmastoskeptikkoja?

    Tiedemiehet nyt ei välttämättä paljasta poliittista kantaansa, mutta tiedätkö onko vasemmistolaista skeptikkoa, joka muuten vain olisi perehtynyt ilmastoasioihin?

    Tuli vain mieleen tällainen kysymys, kun pohdiskelin, että johtuuko vasemmistolaisten AGW-pölinät kapitalismin vastustuksesta vai siitä, että heidän ajattelunsa on esirationaalisella tasolla.

  2. Hmmm... ClimateAuditista muistan lukeneeni erään suomalaisen, omalla nimellään esiintyvän tohtorismiehen ilmoittautuneen vasemmistolaiseksi. Mitä olen hänen muita kommentteja lukenut, niin luokittelisin hänet kyllä "ilmastoskeptikoksi". Eli kyllä niitä on.

    -Muistaakseni Jarl Ahlbäck on ollut RKP:n ehdokkaana.
    -Edward Wegman kertoi kongressin kuulemistilaisuudessa (valan alla) äänestäneensä Gorea vuoden 2000 pressanvaaleissa :) Aiheutti aika hyvät naurut salissa kun Barton sitä kysyi.

  3. Anonyymi8/9/06 09:23

    OK, kiitos tiedosta. Ilmeisesti aika harvassa niitä vasemmistolaisia ilmastoskeptikoita on.


Valitse itsellesi jokin nimimerkki, jotta keskustelujen seuraamisesta tulisi helpompaa. "Nimetön" ei ole nimi!